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SSN Checks

The SSN Check: What It Is and Why It’s Essential for Your Screening Process

July 9, 2024

An SSN checks is a part of the background screening process that helps verify the authenticity of an individual’s Social Security Number

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An Employer’s Comprehensive Guide to Background Screenings

April 4, 2024

Authentica delivers tailored background screenings, enhancing hiring with safety, compliance, and efficiency. Secure your hiring process and maintain workplace integrity with Authentica, your trusted partner.

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Ensuring Compliance and Safety: The Essential Guide to New Hire Compliance and Background Screening

March 23, 2024

The essentials of new hire compliance and safety, from legal requirements to thoughtful onboarding, to build a skilled and safe workforce.

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A New Era in Hiring: The Impact of the Clean Slate Act on Background Screenings

January 20, 2024

The Clean Slate Act is more than a legal reform; it’s a societal statement on second chances and inclusive employment.

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How Often Should You Run Background Screenings?

January 12, 2024

Regular background screenings are a critical component of a comprehensive risk management strategy. They should be conducted with a frequency that reflects the nature of the business and its team.

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Exit Interviews: The Value of and Framework for Candid Conversations

January 5, 2024

By regularly analyzing exit interview data, organizations can stay ahead of potential issues, adapt to changing employee expectations, and foster a culture of openness and proactive change.

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Effective Onboarding Experience Tips: How to Welcome a New Hire

December 20, 2023

Onboarding is an ongoing and iterative process. It starts with a commitment to personalization and efficiency, and it’s carried through by keeping the company’s values top of mind, setting clear expectations, and investing in continued growth opportunities. With these practices established, companies will support higher employee satisfaction, safety, performance, and success from the very beginning.

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The Recruitment Revolution: How Tech-First Background Screenings Can Accelerate The Way You Work

December 7, 2023

The integration of technology into the hiring process has become a necessity. We’re proud to offer teams a user-friendly, mobile-responsive interface and compliance-first approach to help them bring high-performing talent on board.

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Building Strong Non-Profit Teams: Why Checking Backgrounds Matters

November 20, 2023

Simplify volunteer background checks with flexible, user-friendly screenings, and streamline onboarding & compliance. Learn how our platform offers customizable packages to optimize nonprofit hiring processes, providing the right solutions for every role’s unique needs.

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Education Spotlight: Accelerating Hiring & Supporting Employees

November 9, 2023

Learn about keeping schools safe and hiring good people. In 2024, we focus on what’s important in education. Making sure campuses are secure is the main goal. Authentica helps by checking the backgrounds of staff, so schools can have trustworthy workers. They look at things like social security, criminal records, and social media to make sure everyone is safe. With Authentica, schools can hire the right people and keep the community happy and safe.

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